Monday, November 19, 2012

The Book Thief

Dear Fellow Readers,

I finished reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak the other night. Oh, man. I cried my eyes out. I think my mom thought I was exaggerating the entire time I was saying that I sob while reading this book. If she thought I was kidding, she doesn't now. She came into my room, mid-awfulness, and caught me sobbing and trying to read through until the end.

To anyone who hasn't read this book yet, go buy it. Seriously, it is, besides Pride and Prejudice, my favorite book. It has amazing, relatable characters, a heart-felt story, a wonderful/disastrous setting, and an ending that leaves you mourning for at least a week. I love this book with all my heart, and as someone who does not re-read books often, it really means something when I say that I want to read this book at least once a year for the rest of my life. This book is magical and heart-breaking. It is the perfect mix of tragedy and beauty. Again, to anyone who has not read this book, go buy a copy. Now.

John Green wrote in The Fault In Our Stars, “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book". This is that book for me. This is the one book that I want all of my friends and family to read, because it will change their lives. It honestly will leave you speechless and wonder struck. This book is just that good. 

Acacia Liane

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rant About My Writing and People Who Don't Understand My Work.

Dear Fellow Readers,
My Pet Peeve: When I write something I really, really like and think has a lot of meaning, but a good handful of people don't see the meaning and just like to point out the fact that there is no plot. -.- I realize there is no plot. I made it without one. Not every single thing has to have a beginning, middle, and end, and not everything has to get resolved. It's called CREATIVE writing for a reason. Maybe it's just my writing style, I don't know. It's just really annoying that people can't read a really small and simple piece without tearing it apart for having no plot and no climax. There isn't one for a reason! Okay, done with my rant now. Sorry.
 If you would like to read the story in question:
Acacia Liane

Friday, November 9, 2012

What I'm Reading Right Now!

Dear Fellow Readers,

I'm reading a few books right now. All for school, and I'm trying to decide on what to read next just for myself. I'm reading Macbeth, Hamlet, and Their Eyes Were Watching God for school. All of them are very good and interesting.

I've got say that I'm preferring Macbeth to Hamlet so far. That might just be because we're farther along in it than HamletTheir Eyes Were Watching God is really good so far. The language and the writing in it are so insanely beautiful and well thought out. It's a sad story so far, and I feel bad for Janie. She just wants someone to love her and treat her nicely. It's sad that she doesn't have that. Hopefully she'll find it by the end of the book, but from the beginning of the book, which in a way is also the end, I don't see that happening.

The question remains, what to read for myself next? I've got a few books out from the library and they all sounded good last week, but now they don't. I'm going between The Key by Marianne Curley, Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Plague by Brandon Mull, or The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (Which I've already read, and am looking to re-read it).

I have some much homework and other things to do this weekned, I don't know how much time I'll have to read though. I think if I get the chance I'll probably end up re-reading The Book Thief.

Well, off to do all that homework. I'll write soon!

Acacia Liane

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Post! :D

Dear Fellow Readers,

Well, I'm a pretty busy girl this school year. I'm taking a full course load even though I'm a senior and should only be taking four classes. I'm applying to colleges. I'm tutoring. I'm trying to edit the millionth draft of my novel. I've also read 85 books this year.

I love reading. There is no other way to put it. I love words, books, literature. New or old, I will read it. Whether it be Pride and Prejudice or Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, I will read it. It's a passion I will never be rid of.

So, what do I want on this blog? I want some book reviews on here. I'll probably put quotes up every once in a while. Maybe I'll put up my favorite essay. Who knows. It will be focused around books though. Books and literature. I might talk about my writing, I might fan-girl and talk about television shows every once in a while, after all my OTP finally kissed the other day! *happy dance*

Who knows what I'll do. It might be random, but you know what, this blog is going to be for me. Next time I'll put up a short little bio about myself. After that maybe I'll do my first book review. We'll see. As for now, I am tired and have school in the morning. So, goodnight all!

Acacia Liane