Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rant About My Writing and People Who Don't Understand My Work.

Dear Fellow Readers,
My Pet Peeve: When I write something I really, really like and think has a lot of meaning, but a good handful of people don't see the meaning and just like to point out the fact that there is no plot. -.- I realize there is no plot. I made it without one. Not every single thing has to have a beginning, middle, and end, and not everything has to get resolved. It's called CREATIVE writing for a reason. Maybe it's just my writing style, I don't know. It's just really annoying that people can't read a really small and simple piece without tearing it apart for having no plot and no climax. There isn't one for a reason! Okay, done with my rant now. Sorry.
 If you would like to read the story in question:
Acacia Liane

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